u.s. federal courthouses

Our work on federal courthouses is of paramount importance, as these buildings serve as the cornerstone of our justice system and symbolize the rule of law in our democracy. As institutions that uphold the principles of fairness, equality, and due process, federal courthouses must be maintained to ensure they continue to function effectively, safely, and securely for all who rely on them.

Serving those who ensure justice is served

  • Paul Findley Federal Building U.S. Courthouse

    Springfield, IL

  • U.S. Customs House

    Philidelphia, PA

  • James A. Bryne U.S. Federal Courthouse

    Philidelphia, PA

  • Kalamazoo Federal Building

    Kalamazoo, MI

  • Seattle Federal Building

    Seattle, WA

  • Hart-Dole-Inouye (HDI) Federal Center

    Battle Creek, MI

  • William S. Moorhead Federal Building

    Pittsburgh, PA

  • Edward A. Garmatz U.S. Federal Courthouse

    Baltimore, MD

  • Clarkson S. Fisher Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse

    Trenton, NJ

The importance of construction work on federal courthouses extends beyond upkeep—it is an investment in the future of our justice system. Ensuring these buildings are well-equipped and structurally sound allows for the efficient administration of justice, safeguarding the rights of all citizens.